Rand M. Hooks
2 min readMay 28, 2018


I can support the idea that there are toxic people in this world. Toxic people especially kids come from toxic situations. They let that pain hollow them out and it turned them into monsters. I do not believe it has has anything to do with masculinity and everything to do with suffering server trauma as a kid with no one to help them in their minds.

The odd kid. I’ve seen how the odd boy gets treated. I’m not making excuses but if you are deemed odd, creepy or weird and male/white by about 4th grade the next 8 or so years are going to be hell. I’ve seen teachers bully these boys, I’ve seen other parents bully these boys and the students are merciless whether it’s online or face to face.

By the time he’s 16–17 he believes the messages and that’s where the danger starts. He is a POS, creepy, he’ll never have freinds, he’ll never date he’ll never be valued or have value. In America we like to treat white boys like they are human shit. It’s weird becuase for a minute there I though America wanted to stop bullying all together. I think ppl get a pass if its an odd white boy. What makes him odd, he likes computers, he isn’t trendy with fashion, he sucks at sports, he doesn’t have a family adopted stuff like that.

We want the right to treat these boys like they sre not human. Eventually they believe the messages we send them and do something inhumane. With every bullying remark telling them what they’ll never be, and never have I think it suffocates parts of themselves and they do something terrible to be heard. Take away the guns, but if we still value treating boys like shit this will still be a problem.

I’ve lost 9 freinds over my high school years due to shootings at school. I’m not making aight if any if this. I went to a mostly black, Soman and Dominican HS so you wouldn’t have heard about it.



Rand M. Hooks

Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet so, lets go be great today.